
What is Adipotide?

Adipotide (a.k.a. FTPP or proapototic peptide) kills fat cells, plain and simple, by targeting the blood supply of those cells. Interestingly, adipotide is able to discern the blood vessels in fat cells from the blood vessels throughout the rest of the body and is therefore highly selective. Research in monkeys shows that adipotide not only causes weight loss, it actually boosts insulin sensitivity and offsets some of the effects of type 2 diabetes.

Adipotide before and after

Although Adipotide has been found to be effective in weight loss it is still in the clinical stages and more testing is needed. Some side effects have been logged in trials and the main concern includes dehydration. This means it can cause small kidney lesions and if this is not treated can cause kidney failure. A lot more clinical trials on humans are required to deal with problems like this. But, thanks to those in the research industry they work tirelessly to help find new cures and treatment for all conditions and diseases. That is why companies such as Anabolica are here to serve the research trade to continue their excellent work to contribute to the medical establishment around the globe.

Will Adipotide Help You to Lose Weight?

If you want to lose weight, the peptide-like formula known as Adipotide may be exactly what you’re looking for. This peptide is classified as an experimental peptodomimetic and it was created in the USA in order to help people battle obesity. This ultra-modern weight loss treatment has been tested on rhesus monkeys. Many people believe that this peptide-like formula is the future of simple and stress-free weight loss.

Adipotide is often described as a peptide – however, it is not a peptide.

Adipotide is a peptodomimetic and it differs from a peptide in that it is made from small chains of matter (this matter is similar to protein). These chains are meant to simulate the performance of peptides. During tests, rhesus monkeys which were injected with this ultra-modern peptodomimetic decreased their overall body weight by eleven percent.

Adipotide decreased the body mass index, waist circumference and fatty deposits of lab monkeys.

How Does Adipotide Work?

Adipotide is designed for targeting specific blood vessels, supplying body fat (adipose tissue)with blood.

The process results in a shrinking on your vessels, forcing the fat cells to start
feeding on these vessels. All that mechanism leads to an apoptosis, which is a form of PCD that normally occurs in multicellular organisms. Typically, there are 2 receptors where adipotide binds: prohibitin and ANXA2. These are found in your blood vessels, and they accomplish the role of supplying your white adipose tissue.

This formula must be injected and it works by killing fat cells. When fat cells die, there is a decrease in volume within subcutaneous fat. This triggers weight loss. With Adipotide, cells are killed selectively, in a programmed fashion. They die because they are deprived of vital nutrients.

This formula works by destroying blood supply which contributes to fat cell growth. The process of targeted induction (Apoptosis), which kills cells, is the primary mechanism by which Adipotide supports weight loss. This ‘peptide’ has a couple of domains, both of which function separately in order to combat obesity.

The first domain is a homing domain and it works by targeting a membrane-associated protein which is known as Prohibitin. The homing domain works on adipose vascular endothelial cell matter. The second domain is a membrane-disrupting domain, which causes cell death by stopping or inhibiting mitochondrial membrane activity within targeted cells.

By keeping some fat cells from getting the nutrition that they need in order to stay alive, via the blood stream, this peptide-like formula provides quick weight loss results. While rhesus monkeys are the only test subjects to date, this experimental formula does hope to human subjects.

Monkeys who received Adipotide daily via injections experienced rapid and sustainable weight loss results. These test subjects lost twenty-percent of stomach fat within twenty-eight days. Some monkeys lost thirty-nine percent of their overall body fat, while others lost less. When fat cells in monkeys were killed with Adipotide, they were then metabolized by the body. Monkeys were treated with the drug for twenty-eight days and then underwent a twenty-eight day recovery period. For this reason, long-term weight loss results in rhesus monkeys are not available. However, short-term results do look promising.

Adipotide Dosing Chart

Discover the Benefits of Adipotide

As a result of the laidback lifestyle of humans as well as the contemporary work modality, it is evident that the need for practising physical activity has significantly reduced, this causes many people to become obese and overweight.

Helps you to reduce your weight in just a few months.
The process results in the loss of a certain amount of abdominal fat mass.

Adipotide contains potentiating positive effects on insulin sensitivity as it improves it drastically. It’s reflected in using insulin efficiently on your body, which has been proven to have a positive effect on decreasing on elevated levels of blood glucose.

Adipotide maintains your health, and it allows energy use from the chemical nutrients your
body is receiving.

It regulates water by removing excess water and retaining it at the appropriate time.

It processes hormones, which is useful in the regulation of BP (blood pressure).

It balances the minerals in your body, which allows the correct functionality of your body.

This formula is designed to promote weight loss and this benefit has been confirmed via pre-clinical studies. As well, it offers hope to diabetics, as studies show that it reduces side effects of diabetic health conditions. Adipotide features an innovative mechanism when compared to other therapeutics which are available in the marketplace (or which are undergoing clinical trials).

Since Adipotide works without triggering psychological symptoms, it doesn’t cause modulation of neurotransmitter matter. As well, it doesn’t have an amphetamine-type mechanism. Men and women who utilize Adipotide may therefore access benefits without a high risk of gastrointestinal side effects.

Bodybuilders Are Interested in Adipotide

Bodybuilders typically have a lot of experience with peptides and they have particular interest in this one. They know from experience that peptides are powerful formulas which allow them to change their bodies with a mind to accessing an assortment of results, from faster muscle mass growth to superior fat-burning power to optimal muscle recovery.

As well, peptides may help bodybuilders to avoid the negative side effects of anabolic steroid cycles. For this reason, many bodybuilders are interested in trying out this peptide-like formula as soon as they can. Some have already experimented with synthed versions of the formula, with mixed results. During the cutting phase of bodybuilding, when men and women need to reduce body fat without losing muscle, a formula such as Adipotide could provide practical benefits.